Tuesday, 6 November 2007

The Strasbourg Tea Party II

Update for Volunteers:

Join http://groups.google.com/group/europeans4ronpaul to coordinate the Meeting! Let`s make this happen!



15-16 DECEMBER 2007

Saturday, 15 December, conference to meet each other, network, brainstorm on how we can help the Ron Paul Revolution, and organize.

Sunday, 16 December. "THE STRASBOURG TEA PARTY"

Americans in Europe for Ron Paul are spearheading a meeting for all Ron Paul Supporters in Strasbourg, France, for the purpose organizing and networking all across Europe. See our video on the Ron Paul Revolution sweeping Europe here:

The theme of the meeting will be to signal to our American friends that the Ron Paul Revolution is also sweeping Europe.Our immediate goal is to provide a first venue for Ron Paul supporters to meet and get to know each other.

Our longer term goal is to plan activities that will:

1) Help Ron Paul's Campaign to become president of the United States

2) Show all Americans and Europeans that Ron Paul has enthusiastic international support 3) Spawn new ideas on how to take the Ron Paul message to our own countries in Europe and around the World

4) Network and organize to help each other spread the the Ron Paul Revolution everywhere

Mark your calendars now, reserve rooms, and plan to attend the first Europe-wide Ron Paul meeting in Strasbourg, France, 15-16 December 2007

Ben Novak Founder, Americans in Europe for Ron Paul Meetup--Bratislava


The Bloggin Queen said...

Thank you to all Ron Paul supporters and really big thank you to our international ones. Everyone is important in the race to win!

Dirk said...

Thanks for all of the overseas support. People are impressed when they find out about RP having Meetup groups in 22 countries. It helps to foster the idea that there really is something special about him which generates more interest. It's also great that you are able to campaign to Americans who are visiting or working in other countries.

AlbinoWookie said...

I'm a Ron Paul supporter in America, in the wonderful state where Independence was created, Pennsylvania. I'm really glad to see so much support in Europe and the rest of the World for Ron Paul. You make me really happy to see Ron Paul's message go beyond America. Thanks.

I know foreigners to America can not donate to the Ron Paul campaign, but if you want to still help out with a campaign. Pick a meetup groups in America, probably the ones in the New Hamphire, Iowa, South Carolina, Florida, Nevada, would probably be better, and then donate. See European Money is worth more then Amerian money, so you don't have to donate a lot to make a big inpact in America with your donatation.

There is one site that is trying to put up big Billboards for Ron Paul across the state of Iowa. www.ronpaulbillboards.com That would be great if Iowa residents could see Ron Paul on many big Bill Boards.

canvasjoe said...

Victory to the Strasbourg Tea Party!! Thank you Europe for caring for America. When I saw the YouTube.com videos of the Strasbourg Tea Party tears came to my eyes. We are not alone in this fight against tranny. American is falling into an abyss. Ron Paul brings us Hope. Thank you for helping.

Here is a project you may want to know about if you are not allowed to directly contribute to Ron Paul's campaign. It is a Blimp ship that will display Ron Paul for President. Go to http://www.ronpaulblimp.com/ to learn more.

Thank you and God Bless you.


Unknown said...

Hello all.

I am a member of the U.S. military, currently stationed in California.

Watching that video you guys made had me choked up. What a wonderful thing to be part of this great experience... something much bigger than myself, much bigger than all of us, that transcends international boundaries... Liberty is a God-given right that we are all born with. Indeed, freedom is popular!

Thanks for all your efforts!

Happy said...

I know a lot of tea information, but I've never done a tea party! I'll!!!